Thursday, July 19, 2007

Real Guitar > Fake Guitar

So my girlfriend made me buy Guitar Hero II a while back after she played it at some party. I thought it would be fun to see how it compares to playing a real guitar having played for around 10 years. Doing the career mode was pretty cool at first. I got through easy and medium without really having to practice the songs at all. Anyone can do that. So then comes the hard level. Maybe I just suck at it because I had to practice for about 45 minutes on the very first song to even pass it without getting booed off stage. That brings me to my conclusion....

WTF mate?! Why am I spending 45 minutes practicing on a fake guitar just to learn one song?! Seriously.... Lesson for the day: Slowly step away from your xbox, wipe off your sweaty palms, and pick up your actual guitar and learn an actual song. I know it sounds crazy but you'll thank me in the end. Who knows, it might even get you laid.


Jon Sidwell said...

haha excellent post man. I really like your blog, you write in a very humorous style. Im adding your blog on my blog links. You could do the same if you like?


Love For Child said...

True story... I agree with you. Nothing can be compared with the actual guitar playing...

Aleman Salvado. said...

Hi Matt,

Amazing post mate! My name is Federico and Im building a product for learning to play the guitar named FRETX. It is a hardware device that you set it onto your guitar and teaches you chords the fastest way pssible.

Check it out guys! We're launching in Kickstarter September2016

See ya'